Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Mighty "W"

It's not a mighty wind, or George W, or "WHAT- EVAR", and it definitely isn't a new hotel in Vegas!  I'm talking about the mighty WORKOUT.  Yep, there it is- that little dirty word that rears it's nagging head when your favorite jeans are fitting just a little too snug, or after you enjoy a fine, rich dessert, and let's not forget how prominent the mighty W becomes at the end of December and the entire month of January.  It's my best frenemy.  That friend I secretly love to hate.

Well, the mighty W has reappeared in our home.  It's kind of a fair weathered friend, but apparently the weather has been fair up in our house lately.  The hubs has been going to the gym somewhat regularly for a couple of weeks now and is really feeling a difference in his energy level and overall attitude.  He's such an inspiration, but for me, it's a whole different bag.  I know working out makes me feel great and look great, but for whatever reason, it takes an act of congress to get me to workout.

On days that I work from home, I get up in the morning and put on my gym clothes, hoping that it will inspire me to workout at lunchtime or after I finish for the day.  I even put on my shoes!  Unfortunately, my little wardrobe efforts are no match for the Jedi mind tricks of one so strong in the force...

This is not the workout you're looking for...

Yeah, I'm gonna go with THAT as the reason I haven't been working out...  Damn you, Obi-Wan!

I HAVE managed to walk the greenway and some trails in the park, but I have been making charitable donations to the YMCA for months now!

Well, I'm pleased to report that today I had a breakthrough- I actually got myself to the gym and had a most excellent time, to boot!

I have discovered a HUGE difference in my experience at the gym if I go with a few "tools" to help me along my way.  I feel like a kid going to church- you know, where you had to pack a bag of toys so you would stay quiet while the sermons were going on?  Yeah, I'm THAT kid!  My toys tools aren't any different from most of the other folks there, so clearly I'm not alone.  Anyway, here's what's in my bag...

I love my heart rate monitor!  It has a strap that goes across your chest and sends heart rate info wirelessly to the watch.  I have this exact version and it's great because you add your age, weight and gender and then do a resting heart rate test, so it can give you a better idea of what zone you are in while working out.  It also transmits to most cardio machines in they gym, so you can see your stats on the machine without actually holding on to the handles on your machine.  It has alerts, so if you are trying to keep your heart rate within a certain zone, it will beep at you until you get back in the designated zone.  This is especially great when you are hiking or exercising outside, where your stats aren't right in your face.  It will also store your workout info for months and allow you to transfer it to an online application, for tracking.  For me, it's a way to see results immediately, as weight loss and endurance results take a little longer to see.  For whatever reason, it really helps with my motivation!

Bose Earbuds

Ummmm yeah- SO FREAKING AWESOME!!!!  So, I'm not a big speaker and sound buff, but I have owned a few ear-buds in my day, and these are a godsend.  If you happen to have itty bitty ear canals, you know the pain of trying to keep an ear-bud in.  These come with 3 sizes of plastic (washable) doo-hickies (the technical term) for the best fit in your ear.  They stay in place during most of my workout, and while this is a definite feature for me, it's the SOUND that has me hooked!  It's crystal clear and although these aren't billed as noise cancelling, they do a mighty fine job of cancelling everything else out.  The value of blocking out some hen on her cell phone on the machine next to you, for the sweet guitar stylings of Duane Allman or Jimmy Page???  PRICELESS!  Seriously worth the 99 bucks!

Along with those amazing ear-buds, you gotta have an amazing playlist.  I have a few- my 80's workout list has the expected Eye of the Tiger, but it's Van Halen's Panama that burns the most calories! Today, I went with my Workout Faves playlist.  Anybody have an suggestions for a kick a$$ playlist?


  1. If you're a Weezer fan I suggest you add a few songs to the mix-they keep help me keep my pace when I'm running! Let's go for a hike sometime!

  2. Bad Romance by Lady Gaga. Don't hate--it's a damn good song to workout to. Also, Joker and the Thief by Wolfmother. (I think that's the name of the group--it's on my iPod which isn't handy to anywhere I'm at right now)

  3. awesome suggestions guys- I'll be on iTunes later looking for more tunes. There are also a couple black eyed peas songs I have on one of my playlists as well!
